- Connectivity
Through the output from its Working Groups, interoperability and certification programmes, and via its world-leading Critical Communications World event, TCCA members and partners set the agenda for the global development of critical communications.
TCCA is committed to advancing global critical communications for a safer, more connected world by helping to empower critical communication users with secure, trusted, and standardised technologies. On behalf of our members, we support all standard mobile critical communications services and complementary applications. TCCA members are drawn from end users, operators and industry across the globe. We believe in and promote the principle of open and competitive markets worldwide through the use of open standards and harmonised spectrum. We drive the development of common global mobile standards for critical broadband and maintain and enhance the TETRA Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) standard. TCCA is the 3GPP Market Representation Partner for critical communications and our members actively contribute in 3GPP working groups. TCCA supports the ETSI MCX Plugtests™, and is a member of the MCS-TaaSting project.
Unit 14, Baker's YardChriston Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom