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Exhibitor Products

BAPCO Annual Event

09 Jan 2024

Scribe Forms

Doc-works Limited Stand: F38

Secure Data Handling: Scribe Forms’ secure digital format ensures the secure storage of data and proper destruction of forms. All data is securely stored and adheres to ISO Standards.  

Time Savings: All your forms can be accessed through Scribe’s unified and centralised system, resulting in significant time reclamation.  

Automatic Updates: Scribe automatically updates its local library with the latest forms, lists, and documents, providing guaranteed up-to-date access and effortless maintenance.  

Cost-Efficient Data Management: Scribe Forms offers a complete solution for data acquisition, storage, and retention which reduces the significant costs associated with acquiring and collating data from both paper and electronic forms.  

Comprehensive Reporting: The solution provides comprehensive and integrated up-to-date reports, using real-time data capture, which create valuable information and insights.  

Flexible Form Replication: Scribe Forms can precisely replicate and enhance existing paper forms. It can dynamically adapt and link multiple forms together for a seamless experience.  

Instant Data Capture: Scribe Forms allows for immediate data capture, ensuring wide-spread accessibility e.g., across departments. By digitalising, the data entry process is a one-time effort.   

Customisable User Access: Authorised individuals within the organisation have specific (and tailorable) permissions. Access can be limited to different forms, enabling the provision of access to contractors and third parties for standardised data collection.  

Efficient Form Completion: Where applicable, information can be prefilled, such as booking details, enhancing the efficiency of the data entry process.  

Integrated Compliance Tracking: Integrated systems provide a crucial advantage in ensuring compliance and completeness. For instance, integrated compliance reports can guide end-users on auditing needs, responsible parties, and deadlines (where non-compliances exist).  

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