Scribe Electronic Patient Records
Easily download and run the Scribe app on any Apple or Android device or existing hardware. With a simple, intuitive interface designed to be familiar to clinicians that use paper records the digital ePCR form can also be exactly configured to match the requirements of your organisation.
Other features include:
- Capture patient details including email address via QR code or barcode.
- Hospital portal access for ED handovers.
- Multple crew members and roles per device, per shift, able to record administering treatment.
- Associated forms (Safeguarding, Falls, MCA etc.)
- Portal system incorporates flexible ACQI recording and reporting system.
- Secure data storage.
- On line and off line working for tablets.
Doc-works has been developing and supporting solutions for storing and recording Patient Care Records for NHS Trusts and Private Providers for over ten years to improve Patient Care, Monitoring, CPD, Reporting, Clinical Audit and CQC Compliance.
During this time we have become specialists in ePCR front line EMS, Non-urgent PTS, Incident and event medical cover.
Scribe is the preferred ePCR solution for the Private Providers for South Central Ambulance Service and the South West Ambulance Service and we are currently rolling it out nationally for St John Ambulance Service.